Monday, March 12, 2007


It seems to me,
That it is not the one who is angry
Who is to be feared
But the one who hides his anger.

Yet again, the Liar is the most dangerous creature of all.


brad4d said...

. . especially to themselves because denial is the root of depression, the less truth, the more dis-ease! Your efforts should comfort you.

Romeo Morningwood said...

As a Past Master of Passive Aggressive Behavior I can verify that sometimes those who spontaneously vent (however tedious it may be) are usually finished and get it out of their system.
Those of us who can nurture a volcanic grudge and mold it into ticking time bomb hoping that the victim notices our subliminal messages can occasionally go over the top and explode.
I am getting better at discarding such useless antics because 9 times out of ten the victim is oblivious to your anguish so why f'n bother.
You're right about the Liar..because they can't keep track of all the things that they say and eventually they start believing their own spin.

Walter said...

This is why Dante's Hell has hypocrites in the frozen center.

Romeo Morningwood said...

My Calendar reads April...
are you alright? Just busy?

Clockworkchris said...

This is so true. Maybe I should stop all three, because they are all a part of me. I need an email for you-it would make life so much easier, and I think I have one-I'm going on the search. Looking forward to the next post.

Anonymous said...

Who isn't?
But a liar always needs someone to lie to.