Thursday, September 10, 2009

I cried tears today.
Not because you are worth it. You're not.
But because you take away people I thought were dear to me.
Because I cannot be friends with anyone who has touched you.
I do not know why you hate me so much. And your substantiation is a lie. Anyone that wants to have anything to do with you can write me out of their lives, because I don't need them. Even a remote link to you is too close. I hate you.
I feel as though I should approach you, but you aren't worth the time or the effort. I will suffer in silence until I forget and then I will not care about you and what you say and who you say it to anymore. Because a friend who talks behind my back is not a friend. A friend who believes untruths about me is not my friend. So you are welcome to them in any case.
Simple terms say it best, there is no eloquence in my anger tonight. I hope you go to the deepest layer of Hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Resentment is like poisoning yourself slowly and hoping your friend dies.