Sunday, July 23, 2006


im scared of you
the things you do
might do

i still say i love you

but i think before i step
whenever you're around
i don't love you
not anymore

it's still your fault
for doing what you did
and never saying sorry
or being sorry

i know everyone makes mistakes

but twice is too many
when my heart wants to forgive you
but my head knows it's not wise


rauf said...

Ice cream and chocolates

winterssoulstyce said...

i am going through something similar right now

ari4u said...

heart break is always the worst thing to deal with. Be strong and move on.
Take care

Romeo Morningwood said...

Twice of whatever it was is called reveling a

auf wiedersehen

Leila said...

dear Rauf! - I was trying to get used to the idea of you gone forever! Twas a sad prospect, you don't know how happy I am to see your comment!

k - i really truly feel for you. but i don't think this one will ever be over.

ari4u - there may be moving on to be done mentally, but physically it's quite impossible!

samson & delilah - my head tells me no, it's my foolish heart that seems to be willing to take the risk!

Leila said...

homo escapeons - thanks for that! you are totally right, so I am not completely unforgiving and callous!

Anthony said...

acceptence, kindness, forgiveness. and compassion.

these are the secrets to peace.


Laura said...

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Why are we all so foolish.

Clockworkchris said...

Heart felt poetry is the best and the worst. I forgave someone three times and you'd think I said "three strikes, your out" but no, then she dumped me and got married to the loser. Life's full of curve balls. I hope things work out the way they should.

Anonymous said...

Its all part of life, it doesnt always work out the way we think it will. You are an interesting and intelligent young lady, you will find someone again.

You dont always have to be forgiving, you also have to be assertive look after yourself.
Learn from life and the experience even a break up can have its positives.

Take care out there


Faltenin said...

Once, forgive; twice, kick his ass.

Fallian proverb.

Darius said...

I'd tend to agree with Faltenin. It's too easy to get taken into a pattern you'd regret.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, listen to Fal. He's pretty much always right. Damn him. Just wait until the man starts to lecture you for not listening to him. *insert eye roll* Sigh. Damn.

Sometimes you just gotta gag the heart and go with your gut instincts (which usually echoes the head). It'll suck. It'll be hard (kinda like going through withdrawal) but one morning you'll wake up and you'll be...okay.

Hugs anyway. Heart ache sucks the big one.

CE said...

No one is in pain. There is only pain.

JM said...

Twice is one too many times.

Paul said...

Who was this vile brute!

I would challenge him to a duel.

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Leila said...

antoine - i try...

laura - i wonder the same thing every day

chris - yeah, i haven't quite gotten my head round this forgiveness malarkey either. thanks

aidan - thanks for the advice, you re quite right it seems!

fal - i like that proverb. a lot

darius - yeh, precisely.

jenna - "gag the heart" yeah, i like that. yeh of course fal is right. he hasn't been wrong yet!

imemine - there can;t be only pain - cause there's gotta be something to compare it to, hasn't there?

angel jr - i am seriously getting to think that too...

percival - hey thanks! can i give you his details...? ;)

Masood Ahmed said...

Forgiving now and taking the risks will end you again in trhe same situation. It is hard but lsiten to your head.

CE said...

If you try to feel it without saying "I am in pain", it won't be so painful. That is, if you don't try to push it away. Just feel it. Until it's over. Just try it.

Bob said...

There is a saying: If someone hurts you once it is their fault. If you allow them to hurt you again it is your fault.

You were probably wise to move on.

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