Sunday, December 02, 2007


Do you ever wish
We could have loved eachother a little differently
Just a little differently
I'd still be by your side,
But we'd make it different this time

Did you ever wish for just one kiss
To feel the world change in my lips
That I'd given you anything to remember

Turn around? And try again?
Could you still care for what you see in these eyes

I'm lost to myself
Why do I think you can find me
Find me again
Like the last time you saw me
This is not the conversation for tonight
And I am sorry

I'll handcuff you to my fears
I carry them; you'll always be near
You can be my Love
Because I don't have any left
Be witness to my lies,
Cry for my goodbyes

I don't blame you for not being there
This time it's the truth, I swear

'He loves me, he loves me not.
My love was my decay.
He loves me, he loves me not.
She repeated to herself over and over.
These petals decide what's next for you and I...'


V said...

It's just a game!!!
Don't feel miserable.

Leila said...

is it though? :)

V said...

It is tough!!!
Play as if you're life depends on it.

V said...

If you're feeling miserable, it means you are losing.