Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What do we do?

What do we do when a loved one is hurting, if we cannot take the pain on our shoulders for them? For taking their pain we introduce our dilemma to them, although solving the first.
What do we do when we have acted from emotion, and hurt a loved ones feelings? For our feelings have been allieviated, or lessened, but are replaced by guilt.
What do we do when we know we cannot change a loved one, but a loved one's behaviour is wrong, and hurts us? Do we have any other choice but to keep quiet, and to hurt?
What do we do, when we aren't sure of anything we ever think, because it changes daily? Do not think, or wait?... how long can we wait for?
What do you do when you doubt your own heart, express it or suppress it, hurt a loved one or hurt yourself? How do you decide?
Must we all be selfish? Why then do we try to fix the selfish ones?
What do we do?


V said...

Suffering is the best teacher.
Time the final healer.

wildpic said...

"Love's pure silver flame gives each innermost spirit invisible warmth."

- haiku rambling