Thursday, December 30, 2004

The nature of the beast (humans that is)

With questions of trust being ever-present in my life, I often stop to question the motives of those around me. Yet one tends to assume that one's dearly beloveds have good intentions. It's a sad day when one inevitably realises that everyones's motives are questionable, yes, even one's family members.

Having always held my family (by this I mean extended family) in such high regard it came as a shock to me to realise that they are not perfect. I guess having the fairy-tale's definition of a perfect life for too long kind of blinded me to the obvious when it reared its ugly head. Call me idyllic but I just wanted to believe that some people out there had my interests at heart. Turns out everyone is as selfish as the next person. Does no one think like me? Is no one not completely self-centred? Is being brought up to be well-mannered a disadvantage to a person in this day and age?

It just seems that we (the human race) are slowly reverting back to our savage natures. For all the conditioning, and the civilisation. What goes up must come down, and so I suppose what develops must ultimately reform back to its original state.

It just seems sad that I am not reforming with the rest of the race. Maybe my civilisation was too extreme.

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