Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is it me that chases it? Or all girls - rendering me the same.
Just thinking it taps my heartbeat, each beat bringing pain.
"Humanity is bewildered by false idols
And driven by vain fantasies into the pit of destruction"
Eerily accurate advice. But it is so hard,
So hard to judge the false idols from the rest.
Especially when any one persons idols differ from the next.
With no one to guide me,
Or tell me which way to turn my feet.
I find myself ambling down too many familiar streets.
"Dive into the boiling sea of passion,
And all grief will run from you"
But they still want me to believe that love solves everything,
Still want me to surrender
And I'll believe them and they knew I always would.
Because, without love, there's nothing else.


V said...

You're just addicted to loving someone. And wanting to be loved in return. It's called neediness.
Neediness is a sign of insecurity.
But what is love? Can one love without desiring to be loved in return? That would be like kissing a lifeless doll.

V said...

How to fall out of love: fall in love with someone else.
How to fall in love: start flirting.
How to flirt: Be a town flirt.

Leila said...

I love Love for the pure joy of it, not because of any insecurity.
I am most certainly NOT needy, and don't tell me I'm in denial because that isn't true either..

And I don't wish to fall in love. Not by a long stretch.

And not if that's how much it hurts - it can wait....

V said...

Oh well, I was just trying to guess what you mean and how you feel. Nothing personal. I am often wrong about people.

V said...

Well, maybe I am needy. Most men are. But I can't afford to be. I will ruin my chances.

Leila said...

Seems they are cryptic for a reason ;)

Well you're spot on with a few things, one of them being that I'm a sucker for love

But I won't be anyone's fool.