Tuesday, May 16, 2006

am i wrong?

Sometimes, I hear myself speak and I have no control over what I am saying.
It happens too often.

am i wrong for not trusting you when you have never betrayed me before?
am i wrong for not being satisfied with the little i have when no-one has the whole?
am i wrong for not baring my soul when yours is naked before my eyes?
am i wrong for not telling you my secret when you have told me yours?

will I find you, and when? should i still be waiting?


I would have liked to upload some more pictures, but Blogger was being such a pest, god bless him!


The first pic is on its side, (it's a tree). I am loathe to re-upload it as it would take me an eternity!

Both the pics are in a little village in Iran, in Hamadan province.

EDIT: Silly me, most of the words were in black! (And hence invisible)


Sling said...

What exactly is that peculiar looking rodent?

jesper said...

Haha, i dont know what that is, but it looks like a funny animal. Does it walk or jump around?

rauf said...

I have not seen such a long tail Laila very strange, what is it called in farsi by the locals ?

Some days its a problem uploading pictures. today I uploaded 16 pictures in one post in Blunt Knife. It went off pretty well. Sometime I can't even post comments. Now if I write a long comment I copy it before posting it, as it simply disappears.

The tree pixture is lovely Laila. Please post pictures of street life in Iran if you have any.

Laura said...

Wonderful pictures! I like them.

Leila said...

Sling - I'm not quite sure... It might be a jerboa, or a big-eared hopping mouse? I think the former, because the latter is extinct!

Jeeps - isn't it just? I think it does a bit of both :P

Rauf - It is quite strange, we were so lucky to spot it out on the hills at night. It was so tame (or maybe scared?) but it didn't run away! I think it liked having it's photo taken...

the locals call it a mouse - "moosh", i didn't meet anyone who knew it's real name!

i don't think that i do rauf, if i find any i'll post them for you :)

guerilla - how sweet :)

JM said...

What a funny looking rodent.
Never seen anything like that before, even in pictures or on the Discovery channel.
Congrats you have stumped me!!!

JM said...

What a funny looking rodent.
Never seen anything like that before, even in pictures or on the Discovery channel.
Congrats you have stumped me!!!

Clockworkchris said...

I guess I'm the oddball because even though a picture is worth a thousand words-I just like words a lot-Your words on this post were wonderful-sorry its been so long-I am kinda playing catch up-my poems are up to date now

rauf said...

Laila I have mailed you the tree picture.

please download 'Irfan View' which will help you with free editing of the pictures its a free software

rauf said...

actually I like the tree the way you have posted it Laila. Hope the blogger sees it and understands your plight in posting. I love the way you have protested.

By the way your new profile picture is very good. you are gorgeous Laila.

Leila said...

Thanks, Laura

Angel jr - I have stumped even myself! As I said, that was the luckiest find!

Thank-you Chris - it's always good to see both sides of the story - if you get me?

Thanks Rauf - yeah I suppose it was a little protest in its own right :)
Thanks for noticing my new pic!

Anthony said...


Sometimes the best thing to do is just let things be.

The questions will eventually answer themselves, I assure you.

Easier said than done of course.

I love the pictures!



winterssoulstyce said...

hey leila-

that animal is so cute! i want to take it home and love it.

also, it's human nature to not trust when one has been hurt, so don't feel bad.

Zambo said...

Hey Leila!

Good to see you back in Blogland.

I like the pix and I can totally relate to your writing...(I am a little paranoid and have control issues with personal matters...That's just my interpretation of your words)...

Hopefully you're doing well.

Take care out there, Leila!

Your Pal,


CE said...

Nothing to worry about. This is mental chatter. It's normal. Being afraid makes it even worse. Don't suppress it.

Faltenin said...

Arf. I turn my back for a minute and you have a million commentors! GG!

The rodent is a Pikachu. Trust me on this one.

jesper said...

Hey - yeh, that's it, pikachu.

By the way, now that i can read the words (makes the whole post 10 times as good) i just think.. they almost sound like lyrics, you should make them into a song. You don't happen to play guitar or piano, do you?

Leila said...

Antoine - let them be, well of course. what else can i do?

k - me too! trust is a funny thing. i don't wanna trust people. i know i shouldn't, but i do it anyways..i guess we have to survive. but i always choose the wrong people!

zambo - thanks...i think. so i'm paranoid and i have control issues, huh? never thought of myself that way - but oh well...

imemine- you're totally right. mental chatter. this is what my head says to me - i just write it down every now and again.

Fal - well serves you right! GG??
Ah the great mystery is solved...Pikachu. Well hello there! Now where did I put that damn poke-ball?

jeeps- thank-you! well i'm aspiring to play guitar - i got one for my 17th bday, (yes a year ago now) and haven't learnt to play it yet. i cringe to admit it! i just love love love acoustic guitar...