Saturday, October 11, 2008

So maybe I'm a little bit drunk
Or just a bit over-tired

It's just..

I'm thinking
And non-comprehensible, half-comprehensible thoughts
That hold no reason for the writing of
But might spill out here in any case.

How everything in life is a delicate balance.
So easy to disrupt
If we trust our instinct,
Does instinct lead us to balance
Unlike our over-meditated actions
Which often throw us off course?

How we are all hypocrites
And most claim to hate them the most
Is it then only important that we do not become hypocrites in our own eyes
Or is this just some intricate type of deceit?

How it takes being out of one's mind
To speak it sometimes

And how fear is so crippling
Fear that the other will not feel the same
How many times have you not spoken
For fearing or for not knowing
Or just not to upset the balance?

But how comfortable can we stay sometimes?
It's the stupid stuff
That we want to forget the most
And it's the stupid stuff
That we want to remember.

Maybe it makes no sense.
Maybe nothing does.
But then those things that make sense,
Shouldn't one hold close to himself?

And love that which makes him sane
When his world is full of the insane
Even if it's just for understanding his unique insanity
Or being part of it.

'Good-night, good-night! Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good-night till it be morrow. '


Walker said...

Sometimes you have to be the bull in the china shop to be noticed.

Unless you take a chance and make some noise you will never really know.
Whats the worse that could happen, some busted plates

V said...

I refuse to be intimidated in any kind of social setting.

Clockworkchris said...

Agree completely with what walker had to say. If you want to be noticed...that sometimes is the way.

I admire siegfried if he can't be intimidated by social situations, because I can and am. Given the situation, my actions are 100%predictable.

I don't know if I believe in a balance. I do know some of us are over-medicated, but I know some need meds and will challenge anyone who disagrees.

I have always wondered why the hypocrites are the ones who point fingers the most, but then again I was once religious and now only consider myself spiritual, for that very reason.

The stupid and small things are all that matter... Not when the world will end, but if you are happy or not when it happpens.

I tend to keep many of the things I love far away from me, so as to make sure my clumbsy actions do not break them.