Friday, September 12, 2008

First thoughts on liars

It bothers me, not just that you are not a hundred percent honest, but that you won't be a hundred percent honest with me, if I should ask you.

It is always left undecided, whether lying by ommission is still a lie - I cannot stand a liar.

I can put words in your mouth, and you will agree. Because you love me or want me to love you? Your excuses are weak.

If I expect too much, it is because you have trained me to expect this. Then, am I to blame?


Sometimes I am shocked, at what people conceal - sometimes I never find out, and could never imagine. And, yes, there could be reasons for your actions which you do not always wish to share. I should know this.

Is it that people are less honest than me, because for some reason I cannot conceal things unecessarily? Or is it that it seems so weird to me because I cannot conceive that which is being concealed. I am always scared of that which I do not know that I do not know.

Honesty has always seemed the best path for me, have you been raised differently? Why do some people lie when they don't need to: because it comes naturally? Because it is a way of life? A habit? Fun?

It varies in degrees, but in any form, I know that I could not live with a liar. It worries me not to know the full truth, or at least think that I do. I just need the security.


Walker said...

No one should lie with or in a lie.
It's fake and an illusion and in the end will only cause more harm than good.
I understand who you feel about this and it should bother you.
I hope you don't mind but I have linked you.

Clockworkchris said...

Hi Leila,

It bothers me to perhaps a greater extent than you, if that is even possible. But in this world you have one thing and that is yourself. Play by the rules you think are fair. Try not to judge them as bad as they may be if they tried to live by your rules. There are the weak and the strong. The lyers and the truth tellers. When I tell the whole truth without ommission I end up in interesting places like court, and that was just from blogging. That was how I lost my following and stopped blogging and started just writing poems. Over three years now, but the punishment fit the crime. I decided I couldn't express the truth anymore without making people believe it was just another poem. Recently in my writing I have been far less aware of anything but the moment and I am tending to use "I" and "you" instead of him and her or other words to take the focus off me. I know this is a lot to take it, but your blog is called "ramblings" though you are in no way confused. You see things quite clearly.

Clockworkchris said...

OH I almost forgot, I am definetly "back for good" for the time being with writing, and I will visit here everytime my link list says you have posted. Blogger is nice to give us some of these fun tools. I missed you too!

Leila said...

Walker - Thanks for your comment, and thanks for the link! :)

Chris - I actally love the long comments, gives me more to think about!
It's horrific that being honest should get someone into trouble, brings a whle new perspective to things, doesn't it?

V said...

Not jabbering is not the same as lying. Jabbering is.