Monday, February 20, 2006


You're gone.

And the wind whistles through the hole you left in my heart - a piece of it will always remain with you. Maybe I give my heart away too easily? - only pieces of it, you see.

"Pieces of me you've never seen"

It doesn't really matter who goes, the pain is always the same.
I don't know how much heart I have left to give to people like you who just take it and run. Why do they always go? (Nothing is forever, my child.)

"Broken-hearted and still unaware"

It seems that goodbye is the hardest word to swallow.


trueborn said...

It's the echos that they leave that always hut more than the parting.
Your world is ruined for a time while you try to extricate your world from theirs.

Faltenin said...

Do you want the bad news or the good news???

It'll happen and happen again. You'll build an armour and a mask that you'll hide behind to survive, and become wary.

And then, one day...

... he'll come into your life, see through your defenses, and take your hand. And you'll forget there were bad times.

Trust me.

Anonymous said...

your life will be defined by the way you choose to handle pain.

Leila said...

trueborn - you are so right.

faltenin - (i always want the good news first by the way!), i live for the day...

chinna - i have never looked at it that way before

mudassar - actually, no not my boyfriend. and they may come back but mostly only temporarily

Faltenin said...

Leila - don't we all, don't we all...