Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sometimes I know that what I say is going to damage who I say it to
But I say it anyway

Sometimes I avoid talking to someone
Just because I don't know what to say
Or I do but I don't want to say it

Sometimes I can see someones heart breaking
But I don't try help

Sometimes I know exactly what pain I'm causing someone
But I just can't stop

Sometimes I hurt the ones I love more than anyone else
And it hurts me too

Sometimes I look at the things I've done and I'm ashamed
Sometimes I don't learn my lesson

Sometimes I lie to save my own skin

Sometimes instead of fixing something,
I sit and write about it
So I can forget
But the people I've hurt don't enjoy the same relief

Sometimes I love a person so much
That all I can do is to distance myself

Sometimes I can't remember
Sometimes I just can't forget

Sometimes I blame myself for other peoples mistakes
Sometimes I blame others for mine,
And that is far worse

Sometimes I hate people
For doing to me what I have done to others

Sometimes I cause people pain because I love them too much

Sometimes I hear people cry
And pretend I don't

Sometimes I can't stand to be inside my own head
Sometimes I can't get back in there

Sometimes I can't say what I mean
I am so scared

Sometimes I look at someone in the eyes
And tell them I hate them

Sometimes I break down in tears
When they aren't looking
And sometimes I think it serves me right

Sometimes I have no patience

Sometimes I sit and I wonder why I do what I do

Sometimes I am a hypocrite
And that is what I hate most

Sometimes I'm perfect
Most times, I'm not.


V said...

Sometimes you're somebody
Sometimes you're nobody.
But nobody is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Wow...someone who has every single emotion that I'm going through at the moment... I thought I was alone in this world feeling like I am... that I was screaming in a crowd of people and no one cares to listen and if they do listen, they refuse to try and understand my feelings... I'm with you in your thoughts...